Elizabeth can often be seen at sunrise taking close-up images of rapidly changing natural patterns in rugged midcoast Maine, where she resides throughout the year. Whatever her subject matter—fresh dewdrops on spiderwebs, opening flower buds, or frost appearing overnight—the resulting images are informed by an aesthetic rooted in monochrome photography, with strong compositions, rich tonalities, and a delicate sensuality.
While majoring in Fine Arts at Harvard University in the 1960s, Elizabeth studied still photography under Len Gittleman. Afterwards, she wore a variety of career hats—professor, author, software designer—while photography remained a lasting force in her life. She returned to her first love, and offers her unique personal vision, seasoned by time and crafted with intense attention.
Elizabeth can be contacted at elizabeth@brootphoto.com or by using the form below. She will reply when she returns from shooting.
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